The Tyndall Sermon for the Armourers and Braziers Company p reached at the church of S Margaret Lothbury on the Feast of S George, 23 April 2024 The Will of Roger Tyndall, Citizen and Armourer, 1589: … and also to procure yearly, on the feast-day of St. George the Martyr if it be not a fish-day, and if it be a fish-day then the next Sunday or Monday after that, a godly sermon be made in the forenoon of the same day in the parish Church of St. Dionise Backchurch [Now in S Margaret Lothbury ] by a godly learned preacher of King's College in Cambridge, [or some other godly preacher] at which sermon the livery of the said company, or the greater part of them, to be present in their liveries, they to give the said preacher for preaching the said sermon 6s. 8d., and also to have him with them from the said Church to their common hall to dinner if he will go. John 1:43-50 John 1:46 Nazareth! Can anything good come from there? “S George for England!” we used to cry, innocent ...
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