The parish boundary of S Andrew by the Wardrobe where I am the Rector runs along the south side of S Paul's. High up on the pediment of the transept is the figure S Andrew looking over towards the parish church. The Apostle stands above the famous carving saved from Old Saint Paul's the single word: RESURGAM . It is a message of resurrection, and the Phoenix added to it is Greek mythology re-purposed as Christian iconography. After the plague in London of 1665 and the Great Fire of 1666 Sir Christopher Wren 's great vision was for a new cathedral at the centre of a renewed City, risen from the ashes of the old. All London was to be as it were a symbol of resurrection: RESURGAM. The place of the familiar dome in the skyline of London reminds us that in addition to wealth creation symbolised by the skyscrapers and recreation shown by the Millennium Wheel, our city is a place of resilience and selflessness. If that was true for preceding generat...